Mindblown: a blog about fitness.

  • 5 Tips For Keeping Active In The Winter

    5 Tips For Keeping Active In The Winter

    With winter coming there will be lots of cold days that simply make people want to stay inside and keep warm. However, all those days spent indoors is generally accompanied by the winter blues. Fortunately, there are a lot of things one can do to liven things up and keep themselves active in the winter…

  • 2 Steps To Six Pack Abs

    2 Steps To Six Pack Abs

    First off, I want to mention that, for most people, getting six pack abs is not an easy task. It requires dedication, but it is possible! Below is a general 2-step guide that, if followed religiously for 3 months, will produce results. Step 1: Nutrition This is the single most important part of the puzzle,…

  • A New Way to Battle Fatigue

    A New Way to Battle Fatigue

    About 20% of adults experience excessive fatigue that impairs their ability to function well at work and at home. Some are able to bounce back after taking a short respite from work or by taking some medication. But there is a significant number of people whose stressful experiences last longer that usual. Chronic fatigue syndrome…

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